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Thursday, January 21, 2010


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Blink. Ok, speaking as a librarian who made her little (relatively little, she's an adult now. sniff) sister read Twilight so I'd know what it was about and all without actually suffering through it...what's the T-word? I am agog.


Duh, it's Twilight. Sigh. Too many decongestants, not enough sleep.


Jennifer, I emailed the editor to ask if Adam Rex meant to imply the reference, or whether I've just been hitting the hashpipe too hard and am reading into it! We'll see!


can i ask who are the characters please i really need it !?


I actually was not a fan of this book. It was too far out there...and Doug was not a fun character to root for. I kind of hoped that he'd get caught by the vampire hunters actually...woops :P

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