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Thursday, January 13, 2011


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Gary Ghislain



I know. It's all metal and silver :S probably uncomfortable. But very Barbarellish. Did you know Rabanne created the costumes for Barbarella? Everything’s connected! ;)


I did know that about Barbarella... and these are wild items, but the suit that came to mind when I read your book was more of a geometric thing - wide white leather straps and metal rings, a little like the bikini from Dr. No - and it's been KILLING me that I can't find the picture! Maybe it wasn't Rabanne. I even got down all my books about fashion, and checked the books we had at the library.

Best of luck with this book. I've already passed my copy along to another YA author, Andrew Auseon (Freak Magnet and JoJo and the Fiendish Lot) (and he better give it back). Look at Libba Bray's Going Bovine for your comparable market, and if you can get to NYC for BEA in May, you should!


Gary Ghislain

I will be at the BEA in May... hope to see you there... and thanks again for this review (you totally got what I wanted to do with that book) and the marching band video - they both made my Saturday an event :)

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