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Sunday, June 19, 2011


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When I was middle-grade I had the same allergy to fantasy. My best friend was a Piers Anthony addict, so I tasted plenty of it and tried to like it too, but -- yecch! I think Randall Munroe agrees with me:


One book that did work for me in those years was Conrad Richter's _The Light in the Forest_, though it is pretty Tragic (and maybe that's the kiss of death). But the anglo invasion of North America has a lot in common with the contemporary post-apocalyptic boom: your land is ravaged, your culture is destroyed, and you're forced to make a life amid the ruined remnants. So maybe it would still work for kids today?

Funny rants

Well,thanks for sharing,actually i tried to search some more related images but i didn't get,really it is to funny.

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