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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


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That trailer is freaking amazing! And I loved Thespian Girl's insights -- quite.

My daughter didn't love the cover either, but she too really liked the book (though she said parts of it were too scary for her -- haven't read it yet, so I'm not sure what she's referring to).

Thanks for running this great review, Paula.


"It’s about school drama, family, and how unfair it is when adults make decisions for you that you don’t like."

I mean, that is one concise and perceptive summary, I never would have been able to come up with that myself. Such an intelligent kid.


So glad they liked it!!!

Marjorie, I'm sorry I scared your daughter... I hope not too badly. It's always so interesting to me what pushes too far. I remember feeling that way about some books as a kid, but not others.

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