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Saturday, January 07, 2012


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Even in Australia

Interesting. I find it much harder to describe illustrations than writing!


Well, it's entirely possible that all that art history I took in college actually sank in! I love writing about art!


Thanks for this great list. I have read many of these but there are a bunch more that I'll put on my library list now.

Kristin McIlhagga

Thanks for the fantastic list and insightful comments. I'm getting better at talking about illustrations the more I teach children's literature to undergrads, but I always appreciate reading reviews and comments from people who are insightful and have solid content. I've read many of these, but will definitely heading to my library today or tomorrow to check out more!

Pat Zietlow Miller

So I was going to say I liked one of these books a lot. But then I kept reading and thought, "Oh, I like that one too. And that one. And that one." So they're all wonderful by my extra special favorites are Me ... Jane, Stars, Neville, Never Forgotten and Balloons over Broadway. If I had to pick just two? Me ... Jane and Stars. But that was really hard.


This is a fabulous list; thanks! I'm going to single out G. "Great googly moogly" Brian Karras as my favorite this morning, though--I loved last year's Young Zeus (and Clever Jack Bakes a Cake! he had a great year) but Neville is pretty awesome, too.

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