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Sunday, July 22, 2012


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Did you read the "new" Mrs Piggle Wiggle?


Only your version - the one with the wine!


the minute we finish our current bedtime book, the farshtunkiner hero's guide to saving your kingdom, which should be around 2017, we're starting the boyce bang bang. (that sounds dirty.) (but is not a euphemism!) cannot WAIT. we loved cosmic SO MUCH (and framed pretty much).

this was a great, great post, btw.

and i wish i could time-travel to help connery scratch his bicep (EUPHEMISM).


Ooh Marjorie, do we not like Hero's Guide? That would be such a relief! Milo LOVED it, and so it is sitting on my coffee table gazing balefully at me. If you give me permission to not read it, I will be pretty happy!

Also, yes Connery, absolutely!

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