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Tuesday, June 09, 2015


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Tracey Baptiste

Oh my gosh, this is just fabulous. Thank you for this review! That you get the whole Trini thing of backing in at night and not putting your purse on the floor is stellar. Not just because I still do those things or my mother will still knock me over the head if I DON'T do those things or anything. But because you use some of my favorite things to illustrate like Galaxy Quest and X Files!


Nerds of a feather must flock together, Tracey! And it's funny about Trinis - my friend Duane says, "Once you begin to notice us, we're everywhere!" He wrote a little book of Trini folklore and I devoured it! It's deliciously dark!

Mary Ann Scheuer

Love this -- you had me hooked from the get-go with Nicki's scorn, but then pulled me in just the way you would a kiddo. I've been thinking lots about fantasy and how little of it is culturally connected to today's urban kids. Can't wait to read this and think more about it.


Mary Ann there's a reason why these traditional plot elements persist - they let the book acknowledge Corinne's grief over the missing mom and deal with the anxieties children face when the surviving parent resumes a romantic life. I hope you're still considering joining us in October!

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